A brilliant niche application which has attracted funding from Peter Jones of Dragons Den, the UK government and the Virgin Group along with guidance from Sir Richard Branson.
Viewpoint video is the world’s #1 souvenir video service providing more than 100 venues with GoPro film cameras for action adventures from experience centres to karting. The cameras take live action footage to make into team sport experience videos and provide a souvenir video service on the spot.
With up to twenty team members at a time catered for there is a need for serious charging stations with built in automatic video download (for editing). The challenging design work for the key internal components is carried out by the Print World design team – as it has been throughout – and 3D printed through the key prototyping stages and iterations.
We continue to provide peak requirement overflow from the Print World 3D print farm for 3D prints – and service and maintenance for what has become the Viewpoint Video 3D print capability.